Technology is getting really interesting in the real estate market, but always remember that the future comes one day at a time and that I think it has something to do with tomorrow that there always is one and that everything can change when it comes. Our industry seems like it is changing every couple of months.

Full Service vs. Low Service. The gap in services will widen further as real estate companies are recognized as either a Walmart or a Nordstrom. Many players are entering the market to chase the billions of dollars in commissions shared in a real estate transaction, but most take the Low Cost/Fee, Limited Service, Help Your Self approach. Bickerstaff Parham is a full service brokerage firm and always will be. Consumers want to work with…

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In this Housing Market Update we will compare 2017 vs 2018 statistics in Russell/Lee County, AL and Harris/Muscogee County, GA. As we compared the prior year to the current year we noticed the total number of homes sold increased 7% in Harris/Muscogee County and decreased .77% in Lee/Russell County. The total sales volume increased $48M in Harris/Muscogee County and increased $13M in Lee/Russell County. The average sales price increased only 3.36% in Harris/Muscogee County and increased 8% in Lee/Russell County. In prior years, property values were declining or flat in Alabama and this news should be encouraging to many property owners in Alabama.

To learn how the current market conditions are affecting your property, request a  FREE Home…

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