Found 2 blog entries tagged as Covid 19.

Shelter-in-Place Order: What Does It Mean? 

In an effort to prevent the continued spread of, and exposure to, COVID-19, a growing number of states, cities and counties have issued “shelter-in-place” orders. These shelter-in-place-orders, sometimes referred to as “stay at home” orders, generally require citizens to stay at home and discontinue all non-essential outings. While shelter-in-place orders vary from location-to-location, individuals are permitted to continue engaging in essential activities, such as trips to grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, and a doctors’ offices.  Non-essential activities, however, which generally includes activities such as trips to hair salons, dine-in restaurants and bars, movie theaters, gyms, and museums, are…

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What do you say to your clients when they are Fearful of the future?

I had the pleasure of visiting with Larry Kendall, author of Ninja Selling, while attending the Leading RE Conference in Las Vegas. He is an incredible person and has positively affected the lives and businesses of 70,000+ Real Estate Agents. Larry often talks about his daily ritual and how he reads his gratitudes when he wakes up to begin his day. 

 I've been reading Larry's book and finished it on my flight out to Vegas. Larry often says, "What you focus on expands." What are you focusing on right now? On Thursday I began to focus on how Las Vegas was changing faster than a bad hand of Black Jack, as they responded to the epidemic sweeping across the globe. By the time I landed…

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